Tours to:
Along with the long holiday week end Australia Day on January 26 where I work and the family fled from the hot summer weather in Melbourne sting. Escapement goal this time was Phillip Island, an island in the southeastern city of Melbourne. This island is quite complete and loaded akan entertainment. That is like entertainment are available on the island which is approximately 2 hours land trip from Melbourne. No one, when the local government as called Phillip Island Nature Park & Real Entertainment in the official tour brochure is available free at various information centers.
Phillip Island to go faster when the road through the main M1 highway lines (Dandenong-City), then take route Gippsland Freeway Road, Bass Road Freeway before finally arriving at the magnificent bridge that the main land (state Victoria) with Phillip Island. Waow ... aja bridge from the top of the already seen the beauty of Phillip Island is fenomenal akan show its parade of penguins.
Show no pity so do not! Eat our first acquaintance with the island of yuk + - 1805 hectares of this. Island that is now developed into tourism nature park consists of 2 parts, such as lips beach (coastline), hinterland (forest trees), swamps (wetlands), Woodlands, and of course walking track (for the paddle and bicycle pedestrian). According to Phillip Island history form from the volcano eruption about 65 million years ago. Slowly-2 island is to be developed and interesting tourist attractions such as the landscape above.
Are available in super large playground? If you have a lot of time to visit all the attractions / attractions that are printed in the brochure or the Internet. But if not, we can take a variety of tour options available, or create your own tour of the appropriate ability and interest in our bag. Tour so that we planned, there is a good idea to visit the official website or the Phillip Island and make a reservation while booking tickets. Usually when we booking tickets for the tour as well as some costs will be cheaper than buying a ticket on the day of its H-.
I bring a small child so I choose the place of approximately 2 matches him happy all the basic, such as park, playground and educate at the same time (there are elements edukasinya). So the choice is down to 3 places below, Churchill Island, Koala Conservation and Penguin Parade. While there are many places that can be visited such as the various beaches, indoor games and out door, walking tracks through valleys and beaches, vineyard (vineyard), swim in the Aquatic Center and the chocolate factory! This match is part of a chocolate fan because I know other than the making of chocolate can also icip icip-free!
As listed in the brochure, Churchill Island is a fun place for family picnic (the girls also do many hi hi). Small island of approximately 55 hectares is on the north side of Phillip Island and can be about 15 minutes by car. Many visitors to the picnic here. While the mats and eat food from home that has been prepared, bercengkerama really comfortable once there, under the shady trees. If males picnic, a restaurant with delicious food and souvenir shops selling typical cindera eye Phillip Island (various dolls, wall decorations, souvenirs magnetic, knitting, book-2, postcard, etc.).
Enjoy lunch with the family, as well as to reduce the fat in the body of one engga have selected the object-2 is interesting in this island. While the track is like walking can circumnavigate pulaunya along 5 km during the 1.5 hours to see Monument, learn fauna / flora and the local observation deck.
Then choose to make the Churchill Island Heritage Farm, can start their adventure with meyinggahi home / cottage John Rogers and Samuel Amess (the first European immigrants arrived in the island). Complex home of Rogers and classified Amess time to complete. Victorian-style house is a stone wall in spite of the magnificent and ancient antic impressed. We can learn and know the history of social / community life at that time with all the technology sederhananya in the day-to-day life.
Almost every room in semirip may be styled with the age at the time (years 1880an). How trend at that time, tersaji in the governance of their way, food and furniture and decorations that are stored in the cabinet / depending on the wall. We also know how to conserve their food / drink remains cold / fresh after future room underground to store food / drink that period now referred to as the refrigerator / freezer. Guide which is also trained in energy Churchill Island also show how they meet the needs of living day-to-2 with a garden, create a diverse and simple furnishings Beternak chickens, sheep, baa-2, cows (Scotland) and the horse.
Adventure history day event that ended with a dog show, how a watchdog to help farmers who perceptivity herd their flocks to eat or go back to the enclosure. Surely it interesting that we should be known by all.
After Churchill's Island, the Koala Conservation we are around 10 km. Other places such as conservation, here the visitor can be close to the famous imutnya animals and like to sleep! Perhaps for 24 hours, koalas spend time in about 20 hours to sleep, they must remember to save energy because of affairs' diet '. Yup, koala is a marsupial species with only leaf-2an (Eucalyptus species). Not surprisingly setiba in there, I can only perpetuate various style / position that they sleep very meggemaskan!
Finally, the evening was, we arrived at the last and favorite, penguins parade. Position penguins parade most of the southwest tip of Phillip Island. This location was built in the palace where ticket sales, restaurant, souvenir shop and mini museum for the penguins. Serasa in the main mall in the small deh.
We arrived around 8 pm hour (a bit early), as recommended in the reservation information center. Vacation time may be due to many akan penunjung eat should come from the early showtimes (when the penguins start aksinya). Just and true, until there is a lot of people came. According to information I read, penguins-2 will show that the groups themselves after the sun sinking in the western horizon at about 8.30-9 pm). Being cute and funny that it appears berbondong-2 from the sea after a cold day looking for fish to return to the nest (to meet their child-2) in the mouth around the beach.
Unfortunately, the reason for the order and conservation penguins, visitors should not perpetuate the penguins when they appear on the lips beach. Visitors should also willingly cold (due to wind from the ocean blast, although the longer summer) and patiently wait the coming-2 animals terebut funny.
And finally my patience terbayar also, when sunset came, around 9:30 at night, one by one penguins appear to the mainland with the style and the way the sound is not foreign anymore. Spectators also unnerved while yelling-2 because of the excitement can view this natural phenomenon that is extraordinary. Vociferous voice of the child's great-great squeaking penguins and birds Seagull also give special nuance akan dikenang throughout the period by the visitors.
Here I attach a photo-2 from their official site (photo penguins) and the photo-2 results' colongan 'I have to record the moment that is beautiful (photo penguins parade in the atmosphere), before ya sorry!
Warmest regards from Melbourne KoKiers and a beloved Z!
source: kompas komunity
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